
EastEnders ‘seals’ one resident’s fate as a dark murder twist is ‘confirmed’ in 41 pictures

EastEnders 'seals' one fate as murder twist 'confirmed' in 41 pictures |  Soaps | Metro News

There is panic aplenty for five of The Six in EastEnders next week as Denise Fox (Diane Parish) spirals out of control with her behaviour sparking questions, as revealed in Metro’s new picture gallery which has a whopping 41 pictures.

The BBC One soap has been unmissable for much of the year thus far as the show deals with the fallout of the Christmas murder, which saw Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) perish at the hands of six Walford women.

Denise in particular has struggled to cope with the demise of the mechanic, suffering from terrifying hallucinations of the dead man, which become much worse next week.

Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), meanwhile, is worried sick that Denise will spill the beans and, after paying her a visit, she recognises the signs of psychosis, encouraging Denise to see a doctor.

Denise, however, believes that Lucas Johnson (Don Gilet), who she visited in prison last month, is the only person who can help her now and thus she stops by the prison to see him again.

The visit, however, leaves Lucas worried about her and thus he gets in touch with Jack Branning (Scott Maslen) to share his concerns. Denise, meanwhile, comes to the decision to get as far away from stepkids Amy Mitchell (Ellie Dadd) and Ricky (Frankie Day) as possible, planning on skipping town in her car.

Upon finding out what Denise is experiencing, Stacey recognises the signs of psychosis and urges her to see a doctor (Picture: BBC)

Amy urges her to let her come along to and, despite her reservations, Denise agrees, taking her car out and driving at high speed through a woodland area -before getting out of the vehicle and rushing off into the night.

Denise’s whereabouts become the subject of much concern, with Chelsea (Zaraah Abrahams) relaying word of her mum’s disappearance in The Vic, hoping the punters will help in organising a search party.

The news comes as a shock to the residents of Walford but its not the only big shock during the week in question, with Johnny Carter (Charlie Suff) reeling following mum Linda’s (Kellie Bright) colossal revelation.

Stacey pops in to visit Denise, who has now reached breaking point (Picture: BBC)

Linda consoles her son, who is feeling guilty over what transpired, as she promises him that she’ll stop drinking. But will word of Denise’s disappearance set her back?

It’s another week not to be missed in Walford but then again, when was the last time one could miss it? The BBC One soap has been on a roll for well over a year now and it doesn’t show any signs of losing momentum!


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