
EastEnders murder shocks and Emmerdale jail twist as Coronation Street airs exit in 25 soap spoilers for next week

25 soap spoilers

The future looks bleak for a number of our soap favourites next week, with shock stabbings and sudden vanishings on the cards.

Metro has all the juicy goss straight from soapland in regards to next week’s episodes, just in time for the weekend.

EastEnders sees Denise Fox spiral out of control as she vanishes into the night while Emmerdale’s Charity Dingle accidentally stabs her beloved husband Mackenzie Boyd!

Coronation Street, meanwhile, lines up a mysterious exit and Hollyoaks sees a shocking accusation made against one of the show’s most recognisable characters, sparking an investigation.

Over in Neighbours, Aaron Brennan also vanishes as he struggles to come to terms with David Tanaka’s death.

It’s going to be an emotional week across all our favourite soaps and I’ve got all the spoilers you could possibly need ahead of the drama.


1. Denise suffers hallucinations of Keanu and Stacey recognises the signs of psychosis, encouraging her to see a doctor. Denise, however, believes that Lucas is the only person that can help her – but even Lucas is worried about her wellbeing, with Denise subsequently taking the car and driving at high speed – with Amy in the back – through woodland area before getting out of the vehicle and rushing off into the night.

A terrified and unwell Denise breaks down at her home in EastEnders
Denise’s mental health is the subject of much concern (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

2. Johnny reels following Linda’s revelation and he can’t help but feel guilty over not being there for his mum. Linda consoles her son, promising him that she’ll stop drinking. Chelsea and Johnny have an interesting conversation later in the week as word spreads of Denise’s vanishing, leaving Linda rattled.

3. Stacey confides in Suki about her affair with Jack, who has told her that he thinks his marriage to Denise is over. Suki, however, is horrified and urges her to finish the affair and encourage Jack to stay with Denise, who needs him now more than ever. Stacey follows Suki’s advice but their attention is soon elsewhere when Denise goes missing. Suki insists that, from here on out, all of the women involved in the Christmas murder must take it in turns to check in on Denise – and do whatever it takes to protect their secret.

Cindy looking through the window of a van while George sits in the driver's seat in EastEnders
Cindy comes to George’s aid (Picture: BBC / Jack Barnes / Kieron McCarron)

4. George is left reeling in the wake of revelations from Eddie and Gloria the previous week but he isn’t comfortable sharing his pain with Elaine. As a result, he leaves Cindy a voicemail, telling her that he wishes she was here.

5. Cindy returns to Walford earlier than expected, much to the dismay of Ian, who is confused about why she hasn’t been to see him. Cindy, as you’ve probably guessed by now, is with George, reiterating that she’ll always be there for him, no matter what.

6. Dean worries about Jade, who is walking around the Square in the cold. Jade makes friends with Nugget and Avani but Dean proves strict with her in front of her new mates, leaving her mortified.

Coronation Street

7. Maria watches over Liam and makes him an appointment with Dr Gaddas. Liam admits that his life had become so unbearable that he just wanted to end it. Dr Gaddas refers Liam to a mental health unit, though makes it clear that there’s a long waiting list and thus she must keep a close eye on him.

8. Mason goads Gary, telling him that Liam should watch his back. Gary sees red and attacks Mason, throwing him to the ground. Sean sees the scenes unfold and dashes over, threatening to report Gary to the police. In a bid to clear his son’s name, Sean demands that Dylan hand over his phone but, upon scrolling through the messages, a look of horror appears on his face.

Gary attacks Mason in Coronation Street
Gary takes matters into his own hands (Picture: ITV)

9. Tracy invites Tommy over for some afternoon delight but things take a turn when Tim – who is teaching Gav about all-things window cleaning – climbs up a ladder outside No. 1, getting more than he bargained for! Tracy screams and appears in her dressing gown to give Tim a telling off, claiming that she and Steve were enjoying some lunchtime fun. Sally, however, is left suspicious when Steve reveals that he was out an an airport run!

10. Lauren thanks Roy for his kindness when he stops by her flat with her wages. She reveals her plans to leave Weatherfield and start afresh elsewhere. Bobby, meanwhile, arrives at the flat to find the door unlocked, with no sign of Lauren anywhere.

Alya watches with suspicion on the cobbles on Coronation Street
Alya is suspicious (Picture: ITV)

11. Alya’s interest is piqued by a receipt of Joel’s, which indicates that he spent a lot of money at a jewellers. Joel makes out that he bought some cufflinks but Alya later sees him in a car being driven by a sullen-looking woman, which leaves her suspicious.

12. Bethany tells Daniel about the far right article and shows him a threatening message she’s received from one of Lauren’s old contacts.


13. Charity agrees to get help, much to Mack’s relief and she starts to see things differently after a trip to Harry’s grave, taking her power back. A particularly terrifying nightmare about Harry, however, sees her spin out of control, with visions of the criminal following. Her paranoia spirals and she reaches for a weapon to protect herself, gravely injuring Mack in the process.

Charity looks scared in Emmerdale
Charity takes shocking action (Picture: ITV)

14. Rhona and Marlon seek legal advice over Ivy but there’s upsetting news in store when Rhona is forced to plead guilty to kidnapping in order to get the most lenient sentence. Leo, meanwhile, is involved in a fight at school, with Rhona receiving the blame due to her preoccupation with Ivy.

15. Belle and Tom return from their honeymoon, with Tom intent on asserting his control over Belle. After a chat with Mandy and Lydia, Belle decides to surprise Tom at work but he ultimately chastises her.

16. Jai is raging when Amit arrives at Suni’s birthday party. After a tense altercation, the patriarch agrees to leave but not before handing Jai and Suni with an envelope. It’s his will – and it states that both Jai and Suni will receive his shares in HOP after his death. Jai is later shocked to receive a mysterious text message.

17. Brenda offers to give a witness statement for Angelica, leaving Nicola touched. Bob, meanwhile, hears Jimmy out but refuses to forgive him. Nicola is devastated to learn that Angel’s Youth Justice Worker is recommending a custodial sentence for Angel and, with Brenda having missed the submission deadline for the statement, there’s nothing more that can be done.


18. Ethan organises for Dilly to leave the country but Dilly wants him to come with her. Ethan contemplates accompanying her but, after a heart-to-heart with Mason, he decides to stay and subsequently comes clean to Sienna that he’s been harbouring Dilly. Out of places to go, Dilly breaks into the school, where she sees dead dad Patrick Blake.

Hollyoaks characters Darren, Jack and Frankie all looking shocked
An accusation is made against Jack (Picture: Lime Pictures)

19. Jack offers Nancy advice over how to deal with Frankie, who slapped her previously. Nancy decides to talk to the teen, who becomes distressed and reacts to the situation with Jack in an accusatory way. Jack faces questions but, despite this, he reminds Frankie that she’s got a family and – when she’s ready to accept that – she knows where he is. Suzanne, meanwhile, opens up to Darren about Frankie’s past, while Charlie railroads Darren over the way Jack has been treated, reminding him of all the times his dad has been there for them.

20. Yazz encourages Peri to sort herself out for Steph and Leela. James, meanwhile, tells Peri that Romeo wants to see her. Peri isn’t sure if she’s up to it but, despite her reservations, she pays him a visit and tells him that she’ll wait for him – that they’re not breaking up.

21. Lucas is distracted at the youth centre while holding the punching bag for JJ and he ends up stumbling, feeling embarrassed. Frankie asks Lucas if he wants to join her, with Lucas agreeing – despite JJ trying to warn him off the idea.


22. Aaron struggles to process his grief following David’s death, lashing out at all those around him. He has a confrontation with Slade, with Andrew desperately trying to talk some sense into him. But the policeman’s words of advice have little effect, with Aaron subsequently vanishing.

Toadie puts his arm around Aaron in Neighbours
Aaron struggles to hold it together (Picture: Amazon Freevee)

23. Toadie is left reeling following a declaration from Melanie. Terese, meanwhile, confesses her own secret about visiting Paul and lying about it, leaving Toadie feeling more guilty than ever as he confronts Melanie.

24. JJ finds himself in a very dangerous situation.

25. Chelsea moves into Paul’s penthouse, which leaves Cara incredibly perturbed.


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