
EastEnders fans baffled as heavily pregnant Whitney Dean doesn’t have a mark on her after being run over

EastEnders fans baffled as heavily pregnant Whitney Dean doesn't have a mark on her after being run over | The Sun

EASTENDERS fans are baffled after heavily pregnant Whitney Dean was run over by a car – and appeared absolutely fine.

The market trader – who is played by actress Shona McGarty in the BBC soap – is in Milton Keynes where she has become obsessed with saving a neglected schoolgirl neighbour called Britney.

Whitney was sent flying over the car bonnet last night

Whitney was sent flying over the car bonnet last night

In tonight's episode Whitney was completely fine just minutes after being rushed to hospital

In tonight’s episode Whitney was completely fine just minutes after being rushed to hospital

She was back rowing on the estate within the day

She was back rowing on the estate within the day

In last night’s episode Whitney was hit by a car and thrown over it while chasing Britney across the estate.

But in tonight’s episode after a brief hospital stay, Whitney was back up on her feet running around the estate searching for Britney.

And there wasn’t a mark on her.

Fans have been left baffled by the scenes with them hitting out at the soap for the unrealistic scenes.

One wrote: “So Whitney got hit by a car last night and tonight’s episode shows her back walking round the estate looking for Britney with no marks, no scratches, and as fit as a fiddle 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ #Eastenders”

A second said: “Pregnant Whitney gets hit by a car and is running around the estate the next day??? #Eastenders”

Another added: “Straight out of hospital 28 weeks pregnant and running around the estate again.”

A fourth commented: “Whitney getting ran over was utterly pointless and was just done for a ‘shock’.


Another said: “Whitney escaped being run over with few ill effects, even though, she was hit with enough force to go over the bonnet and land on the road face down.

“Are the roads in Milton Keynes made of rubber?

“Soaps have a very poor opinion of car drivers, frequently when someone is struck by a car, the driver makes no attempt to stop, no screech of brakes, just hits the horn, then keeps going after hitting them.

“I know there are some callous people out there, but how many would deliberately hit someone?”


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