
EastEnders spoilers: Jack edges dangerously closer to the truth about Keanu’s death

Jack edges dangerously closer to the truth about Keanu's death

Jack Branning (Scott Maslen) could be on the brink of discovering the Christmas Day murder of Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) in upcoming EastEnders scenes.

Jack Branning (Scott Maslen) could be on the brink of discovering the Christmas Day murder of Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters) in upcoming EastEnders scenes.

She was one of six Walford women that helped to conceal his body under the floor of the Bridge Street Café after Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) stabbed him with a meat thermometer whilst protecting Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean).


Since arriving at the hospital, Denise has refused to speak to any of her family which has devastated her step-daughter Amy (Ellie Dadd), who has feared losing another maternal figure in her life.

Denise and Stacey in EastEnders
Stacey is relieved to hear Denise isn’t suffering from more hallucinations (Picture: BBC)
Denise and Jack in EastEnders
Will Jack discover what’s going on? (Picture: BBC)

Last week, in a dramatic showdown, Jack demanded Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) tell him everything she knew about the festive ordeal and Denise’s involvement, noticing cracks in her story.


She was forced to come clean and tell him that Denise had attacked Nish Panesar (Navin Chowdhry) on the evening that Keanu disappeared – but didn’t divulge anymore details, leaving him suspicious.

In upcoming scenes, Denise will continue to shut off her family and persist to stay in hospital.


When Stacey arrives at the facility concerned that she will spill their story, she’s relieved to hear that she isn’t suffering anymore hallucinations.


Jack makes an unannounced visit and walks in on the two, leaving him confused as to why Stacey was there in the first place.

Will she come clean about the full story, or will she make another lie up to cover?


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