
A Shocking: EastEnders reveals shock Ben Mitchell news as he’s deported to America

EASTENDERS’ Ben Mitchell’s fate was revealed amid Max Bowden’s shocking exit from the soap.

The 29-year-old actor’s final scenes aired on Monday, after his character was arrested on fraud charges by American police under an international warrant.

Max Bowden's final scenes as Ben has now aired and he took to Instagram to bid farewell to the soap

Max Bowden’s final scenes as Ben has now aired and he took to Instagram to bid farewell to the soapCredit: BBC
Callum received shocking news about Ben

Callum received shocking news about BenCredit: BBC
Kathy was left devastated by the sad news

Kathy was left devastated by the sad newsCredit: BBC

BBC viewers know that Ben was charged in connection to his trip to America last year, where he attempted to get dying Lola Pearce (Danielle Harold) onto a drugs trial but was unsuccessful.

Ben’s credit cards were blocked, but instead of going to the police, he stole someone else’s and spent thousands on hotels, car rental and a business class flight home, consequently facing six years in prison.

Husband Callum Highway (Tony Clay) begged Ben to plead not guilty to all his charges, but was left heartbroken when Ben went against his advice.

Callum informed Kathy that Ben “didn’t fight it. The warrant and everything has been exercised. He flies tomorrow.”

The pair sobbed in each other’s arms as they realised Ben will not be returning and would be relocated to an American prison immediately.

After his final scenes on EastEnders aired, Max took to Instagram to bid his goodbyes.

He wrote: “It’s been one hell of a ride! Thanks for taking Ben to your hearts and allowing my version into your lives.

“I had an amazing five years at @bbceastendersand learnt a hell of a lot about myself and the craft I love so dearly; it got me through some very hard personal times and I will be forever grateful!

“I really will never be able to thank everybody for the support enough, because the fans of the show are so passionate, caring, and invested and it enables us as actors to want to keep going and always be better; so I really do from the bottom of my heart appreciate every single person who has sent any sort of positivity my way over the last five years – I love you all.

The actor’s comment section was flooded with supportive messages from viewers.

One said: “You’ve been brilliant, the best Ben ever. You’ll be missed.”

Another wrote: “So sad you won’t be playing Ben anymore. Out of all the Ben’s we’ve had you’ve been my favourite by far.

“Your last scenes last night made me cry. I wish you well on your future projects & hope to see you on screen very soon.”

A third penned: “Thank you so much for all your hard work & passion you gave to the role. Truly the best Ben ❤️ The best wishes for the future.”

Max has now decided to return to the stage as he has joined the 30th-anniversary tour of Birdsong and will be playing Jack Firebrace.

Sebastian Faulks’s epic story follows one man’s journey through an all-consuming love affair into the horror of the First World War.

Max previously starred in the 2016 tour of Birdsong, but playing the role of Tipper.

Speaking about returning to the stage, Max said: “I’m so excited to be collaborating with Original Theatre again on a project close to my heart.

“Birdsong highlights the tragedy of war, yet the beauty of humanity simultaneously through strong relationships under extreme circumstances, and I can’t wait to bring Jack Firebrace to life under their guidance.”


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