
Phil accused of murder as new tragedy strikes and Sharon faces the end in EastEnders

EastEnders spoilers with Phil, George, Eddie and Yolande

There are deadly developments in EastEnders next week as the ramifications of Keanu Taylor’s murder send shockwaves through Walford, while the Knight family face fresh tragedy.

With Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) under police radar for Keanu’s killing, the other women hatch a fresh plan – but could Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) be the downfall of the plot?

Elsewhere, after another turbulent confrontation, George (Colin Salmon) loses it with mum Gloria (Elizabeth Counsell).

But, when she is then rushed to hospital, could he be too late to fix things?

Monday April 8

Johnny represents Sharon who has spent her night at the police station following her arrest. Sharon continues to stick to her story, but both falter when the detective offers new evidence.

Back in Walford, Johnny and the women gather before they are all re-questioned by the police. When Johnny later arrives home without Sharon, Kathy and Suki reveal a new plan.

Phil asks Zack if he can look after Albie whilst Sharon is being questioned, but he refuses. On the Square, the gossip mill continues as the residents rally around Bernie in her hour of need.

Suki gestures at Kathy and Denise to be quiet in EastEnders
Sharon continues to stick to her story (Picture: BBC)

Phil speaks up in defence of Sharon which leads Felix to point the finger at Phil, but as things get heated, Kat arrives.

Later, Phil is given food for thought following a conversation with Kat and makes an offer to Denise when he overhears a conversation between her and Stacey. Bernie leaves Walford to visit Karen in Spain and inform her of Keanu’s death.

George is shocked when he receives a call from the CPS informing them that Gloria has given them information about Eddie before she arrives at The Vic and encourages George to testify.

Later, George is angered when he overhears a clandestine phone call between Gloria and Eddie as it becomes apparent that she is unable to turn her back on him, and orders his mum out of his life once and for all.

Later in The Vic, Linda and Cindy come to blows over Sharon but Jack manages to contain the situation. Later, Jack shares his desire to reconcile with Denise but he’s heartbroken when she shuts him down.

Tuesday April 9

Linda reels when Johnny reveals the women’s new plan regarding the murder weapon, but he vows to sort it by getting Sharon released. Linda drinks in the barrel store where George comforts her as she makes a decision about her future.

The rest of the women tell a horrified Denise the new plan, but they are interrupted by Phil. Linda summons the women to The Vic.

Harvey visits Jade and steals the pill box to confront Dean but he twists the narrative and continues to put the blame on Harvey and Jean. Stacey and Linda witness their argument in the Square.

Linda reels in EastEnders as Johnny stands behind her in the Queen Vic kitchen
Linda reels when Johnny reveals the women’s new plan(Picture: BBC)

George gets ready to testify at Eddie’s trial. Cindy tries to convince George to talk to Gloria having secretly spoken to her, but George refuses.

Later, George is summoned to the Boxing Den by Eddie who tries to convince him not to testify. When George snaps and reveals Gloria encouraged him to testify, Eddie issues a chilling threat.

Yolande is upset to be pushed out of her charity plans, and is comforted by Honey and Billy. Denzel encourages Yolande to attend prayer group, but he’s secretly arranged to meet a group of girls at No.20 with Nugget. Nugget and Denzel repair their friendship, as Denzel lies to him about getting rid of his steroids, but their plans are short-lived when Yolande arrives home…


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