
The most refreshing LGBTQ+ EastEnders character being exposed as a rapist is devastating

Finding an authentic LGBTQ+ character in soap – who isn’t constantly doused in pain and conflict – is a very rare thing.

Ben and Callum in EastEnders

Coming out stories and the representation of the difficulties many face in coming to terms with their own identity is an important factor in regular drama, particularly those with a younger fanbase.

It has been something handled well by EastEnders in the past – Syed Masood is a key example as he struggled to fight against his sexuality to fit the expected norms of both generalised and often homophobic society and his religion.

Played over a very long term arc, this story was handled with incredible emotion, while still having the freedom to weave in the heightened drama one would expect from a soap.

So, before I enter this take, shared by others in the community, I would insist my view that soaps should continue to shine a light on coming out difficulties and the abuse and violence that gay, bisexual, transgender and other marginalised identities face in their lives.

There is an incredibly uncomfortable balance which is skewed so far in favour of showing the darkness of sexuality issues though – and so it is always important to show the reverse.

Lewis and Ben in EastEnders
Was it too much to ask that Ben’s friend could actually just be – a friend? (Picture: BBC)

That LGBTQ+ people can be happy, funny, comfortable in their identity and confident.

Callum Highway’s (Tony Clay) attack at the hands of homophobic abusers and Ben Mitchell’s (Max Bowden) understandable reaction to this is at the forefront of the show and has been since new year. And it is vital to show this; LGBTQ+ people always feel that vulnerability that comes with the threat of such bigoted attacks.

Step forward Lewis (Aidan O’Callaghan), an instantly likeable and amiable character, whose first appearances included him involving Callum in an LGBTQ+ campaign of positivity and awareness.

Since then, he has befriended Ben too, even offering him an alibi, and those watching were relieved to be represented by a character, who has managed to come through struggles and defy the tropes that all gay characters are central to drama relating solely to their sexuality.

To those who relate to the more difficult sides of the journey, he is representative of hope and the message that one isn’t defined by their sexuality but can be a fun loving character without any shackles.

And to those who are comfortable and happy with their lives as a gay man, he is refreshing and a relief.

He seemed to be the most authentic gay character, not dogged in misery, in years. Well liked, the reception was instantly one of positivity.

And then came the announcement that he would rape Ben – shattering once more the hope of a positive showing of the community.

I get the message, I really do – sex attackers are very often calculating, charming and monsters hidden in human skin.

This has been the same throughout and is well regarded as accurate – a major example being Ben’s own mother Kathy (Gillian Taylforth) being raped by herboss James Willmott-Brown in the Dagmar pub, who she had previously liked and worked well with.

Which was chillingly on the same site which is now occupied by the gay bar The Prince Albert – where Lewis works.

While this may be acknowledged, I truly hope this isn’t treated as something for the trivia fans but that’s another topic entirely.

Ben in EastEnders
Ben’s character is one of violence, crime, aggression and often self loathing. Played and written well but we need the balance (Picture: BBC)
Ben and Callum in EastEnders
A true power couple to fans – but characters without such devastating journeys to get to where they are would be helpful for balance (Picture: BBC)

I have no doubt whatsoever that Ben’s rape story will be a powerful one and know for a fact that the team at the show from writing and production to the cast themselves have conducted a huge depth of research.

EastEnders is known for tackling hard hitting issues – the male post partum depression story involving Stuart Highway (Ricky Champ) has just been announced. The story last year of Mick Carter’s (Danny Dyer) historic abuse by gaslighting Katy Lewis (Simone Lahbib) was one of their strongest storylines of that year.

It isn’t the story that bothers me – I think it will be powerful and expect it to be well done. Max and Tony are extremely capable actors as is Aidan and, while Ben is perhaps far too dogged in constant misery porn, it will hopefully have a similar impact that David Platt’s rape story in Coronation Street had – with calls to charities increasing by over 1000% after its showing.

That’s not the problem.

Alongside stories like this though, there needs to be a balance. There needs to be the everyday characters who just happen to be gay, bi or trans in EastEnders.

There needs to be those comfortable with their sexuality who aren’t consumed by abuse, violence and aggression.

It hurts to see the one character who seemed set to break that trend be exposed as a rapist.

Lewis in EastEnders
The storyline isn’t the issue; it will more than likely be played out extremely well (Picture: BBC)

There had to be another approach, surely.

With recent exits of characters like Mila and Iqra, the representations of the expected diversity of an East End community has been a little more lacking, even though their departures were storyline related.

It would have been hoped that newcomers might have been brought in to balance this out before the rape of a gay man by another hit our screens.

Lewis now has a shelf life and has been effectively written out after teasing us of having a refreshing character.

After the storyline, which I withhold judgement on but reckon could be seriously strong if handled correctly, I hope that the onus shifts to looking at new character groups of varying personalities and intentions, and closing that gulf somewhat.

We expect every single character, regardless of sexuality, to be embroiled in heavy drama, tragedy and more. This is soap. I don’t stand by the reactions that LGBTQ+ characters should not be central to this – if anything, seeking to exclude them from the format of soap is more harmful than good.

But at the heart of the character, no matter what they go through in soap, there can be pure and relatable souls and personalities.

We don’t currently have enough of that.

So for the spark of hope that Lewis may break the mould to be quickly extinguished for as dark as dark can be, is downright disappointing for the community who love EastEnders.


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