
EastEnders spoilers: Is Linda Carter dead after dangerous booze binge?

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With stress aplenty, Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) has been turning to alcohol in an attempt to cope in EastEnders. However, doing so resulted in her getting into a bit of hot water when she was arrested for drink driving earlier in the week. As a result, she appeared before the magistrate’s court in tonight’s episode, and — much to her dismay — husband Mick (Danny Dyer) discovered what’s really been going on.

After backing her vehicle into another during the school run on Monday morning, Linda found herself getting arrested when Shelley informed the police about what happened, and — after taking a breathalyser test — she was taken down to the station.

With Mick having had a successful visit to the doctors — not to mention the fact that he was excited about the impending Wife Swap — Linda resolved to keep shtum about her ordeal. However, left with nobody to talk to about what happened, the Queen Vic landlady began to hit the bottle once more — and she lashed out at new mate Chantelle (Jessica Plummer) while under the influence.

Linda Carter in EastEnders
(Picture: BBC)

During tonight’s episode, Linda’s day in court arrived, and as she put on one of her many iconic pink dresses, Mick questioned why she was going to such an effort for a day out shopping — as did Sharon (Letitia Dean) when she later passed by her in the café.

After evading Mick, Linda entered the café toilets so that she could swap out her winter coat for a smart suit jacket — which matched the rest of the outfit — and thus set off for court.

Meanwhile, Ruby (Louisa Lytton) moved into The Vic, but as she settled in, Linda’s phone — which she’d evidently forgot to take with her — sounded, and Mick answered — and he was devastated to discover his wife was due in court.

At the court, a flustered Linda apologised for being late and, as she took the stand, an irate Mick burst in through the door just as the Carter matriarch was asked to enter her plea.

Linda Carter in EastEnders
(Picture: BBC)

As the couple shared a look — a look which said so much without them having to say anything — Linda pleaded guilty.

Back the Vic, Mick tore into Linda about her decision to withhold this information from him, but he was all the more horrified that she’d gotten into the car with Ollie in tow while she was over the limit.

In the heat of the moment, Mick went too far, as he asked Linda if she cared at all about Ollie, and — infuriated by his claim — she made a heated attempt to answer, but refrained from doing so when Ruby entered the room.

Taking advantage of the Wife Swap, Linda stormed out of the Vic and headed over to Max’s (Jake Wood). While there, Max poured Linda a glass of wine, as she opened up about her problems. Afterwards, she readied her glass for another drop of booze — claiming it to be the last one.

Linda Carter in EastEnders

(Picture: BBC)

Meanwhile, back at the Vic, Mick opened up to Ruby about how he fears Ollie will be isolated at school, revealing that he’s the only kid in the class not to have received the ‘Learner of the Week’ award. However, Ruby claimed Ollie will be fine, as he’s got two parents who love him dearly — which is more than she ever had.

Ruby’s comments gave Mick food for thought and, realising she’s right, he reached for his phone and called Linda. The call went to voicemail, but he spoke nonetheless, apologising for what he’d said to her earlier in the day, before informing her that she can speak to him about anything — because loves her dearly.

As Mick’s heart-warming words to his beloved wife played aloud, viewers saw Linda lying out cold on Max’s couch — with a glass of wine in the shot.

It’s clear that the Carter matriarch didn’t stop at one like she’d suggested earlier, and thus continued drinking.

The question is: is she dead? Or simply out-cold because of the amount of alcohol she’s ingested?

With Linda’s reliance on alcohol becoming more apparent with each passing episode, it’s clear that the Queen Vic landlady is in need of help.

Being the love of her life, Mick will no doubt be on hand to support her through her ordeal — much like he’s done so often in the past — but Linda will need to first acknowledge her problem, and open up to him about everything — something which she’s clearly finding difficult right now.

With Linda’s alcoholism set to be part of a long-running storyline, it’s going to be a tough road ahead for the Carters.


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