
EastEnders spoilers for next week: First look as Patrick finds out about Yolande’s assault

EastEnders spoilers comp image for first looks week 19: Patrick, Yolande, George, Billy (Credit: BBC/Comp ED!)

astEnders spoilers for next week reveal the truth about Pastor Clayton’s assault is revealed to Patrick. He’s furious, but can Yolande persuade him not to act?

Meanwhile, Billy’s furious as Stevie continues to try and get his feet under the Mitchell table. And, George suffers a terrifying health scare.

All this and more in next week’s EastEnders spoilers.

1. Patrick seeks counsel over Yolande

Patrick looks worried in the cafe in EastEnders

Patrick is worried sick about Yolande. When Sonia lets slip Yolande missed a medical appointment he had no idea about his upset grows deeper.

Patrick in EastEnders looks anxious while talking to Pastor Clayton

Denise is also concerned when Yolande doesn’t turn up to the launch of the food truck. She suggests Patrick speak to Pastor Clayton to help talk to Yolande. Pastor Clayton suggests Yolande may be unwell.

2. Patrick discovers the truth

Yolande Trueman is in tears as she talks to Patrick

When Patrick brings up Pastor Clayton’s concerns, Yolande is furious. But she still can’t bring herself to tell Patrick what happened. So when Elaine phones, Yolande asks her to explain it.

Patrick is left reeling and tries to talk to Yolande. However she locks herself in the bathroom and refuses to talk.

Yolande in EastEnders pleads with Patrick in the Square

As what’s happened sinks in, Patrick’s anger takes over. He storms out to confront Pastor Clayton.

Yolande in EastEnders pleads with Patrick in the Square

Yolande races after him in a desperate bid to stop him doing anything stupid. She begs him to come back inside with her.

Yolande Trueman is in tears as she talks to Patrick

Yolande finally opens up to Patrick and they discuss what she has been through. She then agrees to report Pastor Clayton to the church officials.

3. Yolande reports her attack

Yolande Trueman looks upset and lost

Yolande insists on going to see Levi alone. She tells him about Pastor Clayton sexually assaulting her. Levi commends her bravery and promises to start investigating straight away.

Patrick in EastEnders confronts Levi

However Patrick isn’t happy when he finds out there’s no meeting until the following week. He confronts Levi in the cafe and tells him to get a move on. And when Patrick then sees Pastor Clayton at the Community Centre he can’t help but approach him. However Yolande sees and begs him to stop. Will she get through to Patrick?

4. Stevie tries to get to know the family


Will, Lexi and Janet look unsure when Stevie approaches their table in EastEnders

Billy is still adamant Stevie isn’t allowed anywhere near the family. But Stevie later bumps into Lexi, Will and Janet in the cafe and tries to get to know them better over lunch.

Billy Mitchell shouts at dad Stevie in The Queen Vic

Furious Billy later finds out about the meal and goes to see Stevie in the pub. He warns Stevie off, but will he listen?

5. Billy loses it

EastEnders: Billy and Will square up as Stevie tries to stop them

Despite Honey’s pleas to let the children get to know their grandad, Billy refuses. However when he finds Stevie and Will together at the cafe again, Billy flies off the handle.

The situation almost turns violent and Honey has to step in. Billy is horrified that he is turning into his father.

Billy and Phil Mitchell look confused as they talk to Honey in the market

Later Phil steps in and advises Billy to keep Stevie close. He suggests Billy find out why Stevie is really back and what he actually wants.

6. Billy wants answers

Billy Mitchell talks to Stevie Mitchell over a whiskey in The Queen Vic

Billy invites Stevie for a drink and demands to know what he’s after. Stevie insists he’s just a lonely old man who wants to get to know his family. But is he telling the truth? And will Billy believe him?

7. George gets frightening health news

EastEnders: George looks annoyed as nervous Anna and Gina break news to him

George is devastated when the girls tell him Gloria’s funeral has gone ahead without him. Anna and Gina decide to hold a memorial in The Vic for George to say his own goodbye.

EastEnders: George grabs his head looking scared as Elaine checks he's all right

On the day of the memorial, George is nursing injuries after taking part in another illegal fight the night before. He tries to hide it, but gets dizzy and almost collapses.

The doctor is serious with George Knight at the hospital

Cindy and Phil soon realise what has happened and force George to the hospital. He is taken in for a CAT scan and finds out he has a brain condition due to the repeated blows to his head.

George Knight does up his shirt looking defiant

George is told one more bout could kill him if he gets a bad knock. But will he listen to reason?

EastEnders: Cindy, Anna, Gina and Elaine look tired and worried in the hospital waiting room

Meanwhile, Cindy, Elaine and the girls await news of George. Elaine, Anna and Gina are furious that Cindy knew about George’s fighting and didn’t tell them.

8. Cindy threatens George

Gina and Anna in EastEnders are upset and crying as Cindy talks to them

Cindy finally persuades Gina and Anna to meet her for lunch. She promises to convince George not to fight again.

George Knight doesn't look impressed as Cindy Beale hands him a piece of paper

Cindy tries to get George to have some online therapy. George rejects the idea, but she ends up talking him round.

George Knight doesn't look impressed as Cindy Beale hands him a piece of paper

However before long George has arranged another fight for next week and tells Cindy his intentions. She then gives him an ultimatum – what will he decide?

9. Amy’s jealous

EastEnders: Nugget, Amy, Tommy and Denzel chat to influencer Ebony

Denzel arranges to train with an influencer called Ebony. But despite his excitement, Amy is less than impressed to hear about the collab.


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