
Update Shocking: EastEnders rapist’s next vile act as beloved local gets devastating brain condition news

EastEnders spoilers w/c Monday May 6

EastEnders fans are united in the declaration that Angela Wynter is a titan of our screens, particularly amid Yolande Trueman’s sexual assault ordeal.

And in next week’s episodes, there is going to be an episode to showcase that like no other as she and Rudolph Walker team up for a very impactful two hander episode.

Our new spoilers show Yolande finally open up to her beloved husband about what vile Pastor Clayton did to her.

After the violating apparent man of God gaslights by sharing his concerns about Yolande with Patrick, his victim is left furious and it leads to an emotive and moving discourse between herself and her soulmate.

In the wake of this, Patrick struggles to keep his emotions in check when he comes face to face with Clayton – while Yolande makes a brave decision.

In other Albert Square developments, George Knight’s (Colin Salmon) bare knuckle fighting self harm leads to very worrying news when he is told that another violent impact to his skull could kill him.

With his brain having been dangerously damaged, Cindy Beale (Michelle Collins) demands that he gives up the fights.

And when he seems like he won’t commit to this, she has a threat that could finally change his mind.

Monday May 6

Patrick is worried sick about Yolande, especially after Sonia lets slip that she missed a medical appointment he didn’t know about.

Meanwhile, Denise is concerned that Yolande is a no-show at the launch of the food van and suggests to Patrick that perhaps Pastor Clayton could help talk to her.

Patrick takes her advice and confides in Pastor Clayton, who implies that Yolande could be unwell. During a heart-to-heart, Patrick tells Yolande about Pastor Clayton’s ‘concerns’ leaving  Yolande furious.

Honey tries to persuade Billy to give Stevie a chance, but he’s adamant that he’s allowed nowhere near their family.

Stevie spends time with Will, Janet and Lexi in the cafe in EastEnders
Stevie tries to build connections with the kids (Picture: BBC)
Later, in the café, Stevie bumps into Lexi, Will and Janet and tries to get to know them all better over lunch. When Billy hears about the lunch, he storms over to The Vic to warn Stevie off but Honey insists the kids have a right to get to know their granddad.

George is devastated when the girls break the news that Eddie held Gloria’s funeral without telling him.

Struggling, George contacts Rufus to arrange a fight. Gina and Anna come up with the idea of holding a memorial for Gloria in The Vic to help George grieve, and Anna leaves a message for their half-brother Junior to join them.


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