General Hospital

GH Spoilers: Will Kim Come Back To Port Chuck Claiming To Have Drew’s Baby?

General Hospital spoilers report Kim Nero (Tamara Braun) hasn’t been in Port Charles for a few years, but we all know the story.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will Kim Come Back to Port Chuck Claiming to Have Drew’s Baby?

When she left town abruptly to move to New York City for work and leave Julian Jerome (William deVry) in the dust, she made no mention of the fact that she was pregnant.

While the official story she told Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) was that nothing happened the night she drugged him in hopes of getting herself pregnant with his child via rape — none of which he was aware of — she may offer up a different version of events now that Julian isn’t around to contest her.

Rumor has it that when Kim hears Drew is in prison, she just might use his time away from his family and friends to weasel her way back into his life — with the son she has named after him.

General Hospital Spoilers — Kim Gets Wind of Drew’s Conviction

Drew’s conviction absolutely made the news, and Kim may be pacing back and forth in her Manhattan apartment ever since wondering whether or not she should invite herself back into his world.

She didn’t exactly leave on good terms, but they do share a child together, albeit a deceased one. Does that make them family no more?

Certainly, being the mother of his could score her a pass to see him at Pentonville, right?

GH Spoilers Squeal Someone Knows the Truth

Kik may think she has covered her tracks well by getting out of dodge and out of Port Chuck before Julian could catch on to the fact that she was pregnant.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will Kim Come Back to Port Chuck Claiming to Have Drew’s Baby?

When he stopped by her place seeking refuge as a wanted man, he only found a housekeeper — who was actually a nanny for Kim’s son, Andrew.

But what are the odds that someone other than that nanny knows the truth — that Julian is her son’s father, not Drew?

General Hospital Spoilers — Cyrus Presses Drew’s Weakness

Nothing happens in the jailhouse without Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) hearing about it. When Drew gets a new visitor, Cyrus may have more details on her than Drew even walks away with.

Of course, it would make sense that Cyrus had connections with Julian over the years as they both worked in the same circles of the mob.

When he realizes Drew isn’t sharing news of Kim’s visit with Carly Spencer (Laura Wright), things could get awfully interesting.

Cyrus loves a good game of blackmail, after all. Will he hold Drew’s alleged baby not over his cellmate’s head while all too aware that the child is actually Julian’s?


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