Sister Wives

Sister Wives Season 18 Episdoe 11 Recap: Most Shocking Moments

Sister Wives' Kody Brown Reveals Plans to Pay Off Coyote Pass Land:  'Janelle Pesters Me About It'

Sister Wives season 18 episode 11, “Airing The Dirty Laundry”, saw Christine Brown celebrating her daughter Mykelti Padron’s big news while Kody Brown and Meri Brown contemplated the potential end of their relationship. Sister Wives season 18 has greatly explored the damaged relationships between Kody and his wives, especially his marriages to Meri and Janelle Brown. While Kody’s marriage to Janelle still appears to be up in the air, his relationship with Meri has been crumbling for years, and the series has made it a focal point of the most recent episodes of Sister Wives, pushing Meri and Kody to discuss their lack of a marriage.

Although Meri was Kody’s first wife, he’s treated her with a lack of respect and decency throughout Sister Wives. After Meri’s catfishing scandal left the couple on the brink of divorce, Meri had difficulty gaining Kody’s trust back. Meri, who engaged in an extramarital affair with someone she met online before finding out that the person she was talking to wasn’t who they said they were, tried to reassure Kody that she was still fighting for their marriage. Kody agreed to stay together, but the couple was never the same and recent Sister Wives episodes have proven just that.

Mykelti Padron Told The Family She’s Having Twins

Sister Wives Mykelti Brown & Tony Padron

Exciting news came to the Brown family in Utah as Christine and several of her children gathered at Mykelti Padron and Tony Padron’s house to share a meal together. Mykelti, one of Christine and Kody’s older children, and her husband Tony had already announced they were having a baby to the majority of the family, but had bigger news to share with Christine. They showed off a sonogram that revealed they’d be having twins, which was shocking and exciting for everyone. Christine, who shared that she and Janelle felt like they had twins with Gwendlyn Brown and Garrison Brown being born just 4 days apart, was thrilled for her daughter.

Meri Shared That Her Wedding Anniversary With Kody Was Difficult

Sister Wives' Meri Brown looking sad, with Robyn Brown and Kody Brown

In a video she filmed on her own from Utah, Meri shared that her wedding anniversary with Kody hadn’t been a joyous occasion. The couple was celebrating 32 years together, but when Meri called Kody to wish him a happy anniversary, Kody had completely forgotten about the occasion. She explained that Kody felt he needed to ask Robyn permission to go out with Meri for their anniversary, and when the pair shared a dinner together, he implied that they were faking their relationship for the public perception. Meri, who has been dedicated to trying to repair her marriage with Kody, was shocked by his assertion.

Kody Told Meri He Felt Like They Weren’t Married Anymore

Kody, Christine, Janelle, Meri, Robyn Brown Sister Wives montage

At their anniversary dinner, Kody and Meri explained they chatted about the nature of their relationship. Kody made it clear he wasn’t interested in continuing to pursue a relationship with Meri, but she continued to push the idea that they were going to work on their marriage. At the end of the dinner, after Kody had said he felt like they were faking their relationship entirely, Kody went in a bit further. He shared that he felt like he wasn’t married to Meri at all anymore, making it more clear than ever that their relationship could be over.

Meri And Kody Have Two Different Ideas Of What Broke Their Marriage Apart

Meri and Kody were both given time on Sister Wives season 18 to discuss what they felt ripped their marriage apart. While Meri explained that she felt the divide between them had been more recent, and that Robyn played a part in breaking their marriage apart. Meri failed to see her own hand in the decimation of their relationship. Kody, on the other hand, attributed the end of their relationship to Meri’s catfishing scandal and the fallout from his lack of trust in their relationship. He explained that he’s felt less and less for Meri over time, and that she’s broken his trust in ways he doesn’t feel are reparable.

Robyn & Kody Celebrated Truely’s Twelfth Birthday

Sister Wives' Truely Brown and Kody Brown looking serious

Though the family was continuing to splinter, Christine and Kody’s daughter Truely Brown spent part of a visit to Flagstaff at Kody and Robyn’s, celebrating her birthday. Robyn was particularly delighted by Truely being at her home and celebrating with her kids, as Robyn joined the family just before Truely’s birth. Robyn explained that she enjoys the fact that Truely doesn’t know life without Robyn, the way the majority of Kody’s older children do. The selfish nature Robyn carries into her parenting of Kody’s children with his other wives is fascinating to see and makes it obvious that she’s only interested in how she is perceived.

Kody Explained He’s Redefining His Life Without A Home Church

Sister Wives' Kody Brown with Robyn

Although Kody’s life and family revolve around the tenets of a very specific religion, Kody revealed that he’s actually not affiliated with a church in Flagstaff after he left his last church on such poor terms. Kody’s life within the church was tumultuous, and after fleeing his last home due to religious persecution, the Brown family has yet to affiliate with a local sector of their church. Kody explained that he would be embarrassed with the state of his life and family to put himself in a position where he could be judged by a religious leader or other members of a church.

Kody’s Relationship With His And Janelle’s Daughter Has Crumbled

Maddie Brown Brush from Sister Wives in backyard pretty mountain view

In an interesting piece of the most recent episode of Sister Wives, Kody explained that the relationship between himself and his daughter, Maddie Brush, has disintegrated. Kody and Maddie were close throughout her childhood and adolescence, and Kody was even the minister for Maddie’s wedding to her husband Caleb. At some point in the last several years, Maddie has stopped communicating with Kody entirely. Rather than reaching out to figure out what happened, Kody has left the ball in Maddie’s court, explaining that he’s happy to discuss their relationship if she reaches out to him about it. While he’s curious as to what happened, Kody won’t make the first move.

Janelle Hasn’t Spoken To Robyn Or Meri For Nearly A Year

Sister Wives Kody Brown Janelle Brown

It was revealed that Janelle, who was speaking about her relationship with Kody and tangentially, her relationships with her fellow sister wives, that Janelle hasn’t spoken to Robyn or Meri for close to a year. Though Janelle’s had decent relationships with both Robyn and Meri in the past, she shared that since she and Kody have been fighting and have little to discuss on their own, she hasn’t felt a need to talk to Robyn or Meri, either. Janelle shared that she and Robyn had a great working relationship in their family, but never connected personally. Meri and Janelle always had personality clashes that pushed them to ignore one another.

Meri Explained She Feels Her Marriage To Kody Is Over

Sister Wives_ What We Know About Meri Brown's Life Before The Show

Although she hasn’t officially ended things, Meri shared that she feels her marriage to Kody is over. Though Meri has tried to put in the work and make things better with Kody, she doesn’t feel that she’s getting anything back from him that could possibly keep their relationship together. Kody has explained he’d rather keep things private and continue on as they have been, but Meri made it clear that if Kody isn’t interested in fixing things, she’s not planning to stick around and allow herself to be criticized for staying in a loveless marriage that doesn’t serve her.

Kody Asked Meri To Keep Quiet About Their Issues To Ignore His Criticism

Sister Wives Kody Brown

Meri and Kody have discussed the bitter end of their relationship, and while Kody wants to keep things going the same way they have been, Meri is ready to cut him loose. During one of the final moments of Sister Wives season 18 episode 11, Meri shared that though Kody asked her to stay quiet about their impending separation in order for him to avoid public criticism, she wants to speak openly and honestly about what’s happening. Meri wants to share her story the way she always has on the show and plans to, even if Kody doesn’t want her speaking out in the open.

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