General Hospital

‘Sprina’ No More? General Hospital May Have Put the Final Nail In Spencer and Trina’s Coffin

GH's Spencer and Trina glaring at each other mashup

How in the world did it get to this? Spencer and Trina had so much promise on General Hospital, there was (admittedly heated) debate on whether they were turning into the show’s new Luke and Laura. And now, it looks like they’re over.

To be sure, this didn’t come out of nowhere. Spencer hasn’t been winning hearts and minds in Port Charles or in the real world. In fact, despite how magical they once were, lately there’s been an increasingly vocal group of fans who think Trina deserves better than Spencer. And now, it seems, Trina may have decided that too!

Esme Spencer photos GH

Spencer’s been downright obsessed with Ace at the cost of pretty much everything else for some time now. It makes sense, in a way, since he’s probably got a load of abandonment issues from Nikolas’ slapdash parenting. But there just didn’t seem to be a way to make that obsession fit with “Sprina.” But then Esme moved out with Ace and it seemed like there might be a chance for a return to the love. Instead, on today’s episode, it just started what seemed to be the final fight between Spencer and Trina.

She called out his obsession and said the only way he could keep Ace would be to get with Esme. Spencer tried protesting that that wouldn’t happen, but Trina didn’t let up. And that’s when Spencer said what a lot of fans had already figured: “Don’t make me choose between you and Ace. You won’t like the answer.”

Trina not happy GH

And that was enough for Trina. She, quite honestly, did the healthy thing and left him, right then and there. There’s no telling what’s to come, but Nikolas is still out there and once he comes back, Spencer may have no choice but to abandon his Ace obsession.

But if he goes running back to Trina at that point, would she even want him? Would the fans? Time will tell, but one way or another, it feels like the “Sprina” magic may have faded.

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