Sister Wives

Sister Wives: Robyn Says Christine Must Sleep With ANOTHER MAN To Get Over With Kody!

The Sister Wives star Christine made her decision in 2021, which gave new dynamics to the show. While for the Browns, this decision was devastating, for Christine, this was a fresh start toward a healthy life. Apparently, the star also declared her move to Utah with her daughter Truely. Initially, her moving process involves selling the house and division of the assets. This is a strenuous task for Kody as assets come before humans for him, as per public opinion. Amidst all this, Robyn revealed that her shared husband is still married to his ex. To know what hurt Kody Brown more than Christine leaving, keep on reading.

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Sister Wives: Christine Decides To Leave All The Toxicity In Arizona! Sells Bed!

The Sister Wives star Christine Brown finally stepped towards a better world. The infamous divorce indeed broke her to the core, but ironically it wasnt the same with the patriarch. In fact, it was more devastating for him. Fans of the show know how emotional the polygamist is. Hence, Kody’s breaking points were several. He broke when he learned he wasn’t getting his so-called 50-50 from the house not even owned by him. He again broke when he saw Christine selling their sex bed! The material man broke further when he realized that he wasn’t getting equal funds for the bed also! Though he had an equal contribution there!

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Amidst all these so-called emotional breakdowns, Robyn came up with a new theory which later became a source of mockery for the audience. According to the wisest and the most favored wife, Christine needs to finalize her divorce by sleeping with someone else! Apparently, she confused a teenage hack with religious orders! Just to get over someone, go ‘over someone else.’ The now exes didn’t have a legal marriage, so it was difficult to determine when it was over, as Kody also adds that they didn’t even go to church yet!

Sister Wives: Christine Abandoned Church And Its Permissions! Is She Going To Hell?

The Sister Wives star Christine’s marriage was over for her since the day she announced her split and told her daughter Truely. But seems the Browns are not able to get over it yet! Apparently, Christine is still figuring out if she really believes in the church anymore! But whatever it is, she is definitely not going to hell for getting a divorce from her toxic marriage. The Browns evidently follow the Mormon church. Mormon church was founded by Joseph Smith and carried on by Brigham Young.

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To clarify this, we dug into facts and found out that Brigham Young had 56 wives and 57 children, which happens to be a 2.0 version of the Sister Wives family! So apparently, he understood all the technicalities better than Robyn obviously. While mentioning the dos and don’ts, the priest mentioned that in a plural marriage, it totally depends on the wife when she can hold on to her husband. If life becomes hard, she can get a divorce and start afresh! Apparently, he didn’t have any going-to-hell part, but it’s not obvious if it exists. So it is safe to say that Christine is happily divorced and not going to hell!

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