General Hospital

GH Spoilers: More Bad News Floors Finn — Is Hayden Dead?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) is going to learn some devastating news soon that knocks him to his feet. Learning his father, Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison) is dying was enough for him.

Being sued by the wife of a patient who died is a whole new burden. Compounding all of that with the news that Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig) — his daughter’s mother — is dead is going to crush him.

General Hospital Spoilers — This News Is Going To Impact A Lot Of Other People

While Violet will be heartbroken, it’s going to be hard for Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) to hear, too.

General Hospital Spoilers: More Bad News Floors Finn — Is Hayden Dead?Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss) may not have been the culprit this time around, but the late Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) could have the finger pointed in his direction.

How will Finn bounce back from this heartbreak alongside the woman he loves whose sister has died? What will this mean for Violet Finn’s (Jophielle Love) future where now that mom is definitely never coming back?

GH Spoilers — Hayden Barnes Is Gone

Hopeful fans keep waiting for her to re-emerge, but it sounds like we’re never going to see Hayden again. At least, not anytime soon.

Violet’s mom took off a few years ago when Nikolas scared her into hiding, sure that someone was out to kill her. Ever since, no one has been able to make contact with her to tell her it was Nikolas playing games all along.

She could have come home ages ago, but she stayed on the run and now that adventure will finally come to a brutal end.

This will be the hardest blow yet for Finn and it has fans questioning whether he might return to substance abuse to cope with all of the heartache around him.

General Hospital Spoilers — Nikolas Cassadine Is Alive

Meanwhile, everyone is going to be wondering who killed Hayden.

Many may have had a motive to, but her family and loved ones have been so far removed from her life for the last several years that it will be hard for any of them to allege who might have taken her out.

However, given that Nikolas was the target last time, and he is guilty of driving her away, it’s possible that he could be to blame.

GH Spoilers — Victor Cassadine’s Wrath Continues

Victor may be gone but he is most certainly not forgotten. His antics continue to make waves in the everyday lives of many Port Charles residents.

Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) is paying the price for entertaining her grandfather’s lies, and it may come to fruition soon that Finn and his little girl do, too.

Could Victor have had a reason to remove Hayden from the equation and make it look like Nikolas was the culprit?

Perhaps extradition is warranted to bring him home to face the music after all. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead to see how this shakes out.

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