Sister Wives

Janelle Brown will take Legal Action Against Robyn & Kody

Sister Wives Season 17 has had some shocking financial revelations about the plural family, especially Janelle Brown. Given that the 53-year-old is struggling to build a house on Coyote Pass, fans believe that Kody and Robyn have financially abused her for years. They even wish for Janelle to take legal action against Kody to get back on her feet. How would that happen given they were never married? Let us find out what fans have to say!

How Did Kody & Robyn Rob Janelle Brown Financially?

Back when Kody married Robyn, she brought along a massive credit card debt into the family. This was a $32,000 debt from stores including Target, Victoria’s Secret, and Sears. With the aid of the family’s money, especially from Janelle and Meri’s income, Robyn’s debt was paid off. Furthermore, Janelle and Meri gave the proceeds of their Las Vegas homes to contribute to Robyn’s $900,000 house based in Flagstaff.

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If Janelle’s Las Vegas home selling price is proof, she gave away $300,000 for Robyn’s house robbing her of a chance to build her own home in Coyote Pass. Now that she wants the family to prioritize paying off the Coyote Pass land so that she can start building, Kody seems all frustrated and in denial.

Can Janelle Brown Sue Kody For Child Support?

Janelle and Kody were never legally married, so taking legal recourse might not be as fruitful. However, on Reddit, a fan decoded how she can go about it and sue Kody for things such as fraud, unjust enrichment, child support, alienation of affection, and many more.

Agreeing with the OP, another Redditor claimed, “I love that you are saying this is fraud. I think Robyn has been planning this since she walked in the door. She played a long-term scheme to get the family money.”

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“I 100% agree! I wish Janelle would get a lawyer and fight Kody and Robyn and take all she is entitled to,” wished the third Sister Wives fan.

A fourth fan talked about Robyn’s manipulation stating,

“She has been but she never expected any of the wives to leave. She’s used to polygamist wives being submissive and isolated, afraid to leave. She expected to boss them around through Kody, taking their money until they died. She never would have given anything to the other wives if Kody died nor their children.”

Sister Wives Fans Wish To Fund Janelle’s Attorney Fees

Many Redditors even claimed that suing Kody was a brilliant idea. They are even open to the idea of contributing to a GoFundMe for Janelle’s attorney fees if she does take action. Some skeptical fans claimed this might not work given that Robyn is the legal wife and not Janelle.

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Do you think Janelle should take legal action against Robyn and Kody? Will Robyn’s legal wife status affect Janelle’s case? Share your thoughts in the comments and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

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