General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Clue Jerry Jacks Stalks Anna, Ends Up Killing Austin?

General Hospital spoilers suggest that Jerry Jacks (Sebastian Roche) is the one who’s stalking Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) around Port Charles. Some viewers fear he was the one who killed Austin Gatlin-Holt (Roger Howarth). Keep on reading to learn more.

Theory About Anna’s Stalker And Austin’s Killer

There’s a fresh theory concerning Austin’s killer and Anna’s stalker, according to General Hospital spoilers. On the Message Boards, user Eastex19 shared the following theory: “What if Jerry Jacks is stalking Anna and the one who killed Austin?”

Another theory holds that Jerry joined Pikeman Security Group in order to put himself up for the best price. As a mercenary, he understands how to make it happen. The prevailing belief is that Pikeman is pursuing Anna for an unknown motive. It could be Jerry who is after Anna.

He might also be the one who shot Austin. Jerry could be secretly working with Pikeman to get revenge on Anna for sending him back to Steinhaumer in 2015.

Jerry has no known connecti on to Austin, but he could also be working with Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). According to the General Hospital spoilers, Cyrus could be working for Pikeman, which means he could’ve been Austin and Mason Gatlin’s (Nathanyael Grey) boss.

Fans took to the thread to share their thoughts on this theory. One fan wrote: “We know so little at this point about either Pikeman or what Cyrus is up to, so some or all of your theory could be true.”

Another user noted: “I think whoever is after Anna has a personal beef or obsession with her but doesn’t want her harmed or dead!”

Does Jerry Jacks Have Beef With Anna Devane?

The General Hospital spoilers suggest that Jerry has beef with Anna. One fan noted that he never had a personal issue with her. He would have no reason to stalk her. Whoever is stalking Anna is either a jilted lover or someone who feels wronged.

Jerry Jacks’ return is not to the liking of all supporters. According to a fan, Anna’s presumed-dead twin sister Alex (Finola Hughes) is the one stalking her. The woman who set her house on fire was wearing heels, and she is the mysterious figure. Supporters are hoping that this plot will come to a stop.

How do you feel about this theory? Do you believe Anna is being stalked by Jerry Jacks? Do you believe he was behind Austin’s shooting? Comment below to share your thoughts.

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