Sister Wives

‘News Update’: Did Kody Brown Plant this Shocker for Fans and Sister Wives?

Sister Wives star Kody Brown was on a mission to show his way of life is nothing to fear. So, the series came about to demonstrate how the Browns can live like a normal family.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown

The only difference is he has four wives who gave birth to many kids. So, what did the Sister Wives series teach the die-hard fans? Some might say it’s likely they learned that you see what Kody wants you to see.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Cans the Mundane for Drama?

Kody Brown didn’t appear to waver about his mission as the show rolled out the first few seasons. He wanted the world to see he has a normal loving family. That’s despite four women having to share one man.

But it seems the man who married four women is what captured the curiosity of the audience. Most tuned in because they’ve never seen anything like the Sister Wives family before. But then Kody Brown had to get the fans to come back.

So, watching Janelle Brown grow her garden wouldn’t do it. Neither would time focused on Christine Brown creating her crafts. No, the fans needed drama to return.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown

Let’s face it, Meri’s favorite pup Mosby is adorable. But how long could you keep the fans interested in Meri playing with her dog?

Still, the fans became excited when watching the Sister Wives patriarch do his thing. That was chasing his new young bride Robyn Brown around like a smitten teen.

People were angry and formed some stead-fast opinions about Kody Brown. But that anger also built their audience.

So, did Kody Brown give the fans more of what they asked for? At the same time, he left himself wide open for the ridicule that followed. The post above is only one example of how fans pull him apart. Although, fans say you have to admit that he does look a bit creepy in that shot.

The Mystery of Kody Kept Them Coming

During the first several seasons, the bedroom situation seemed to be one of the biggest draws for fans. Whenever the five Sister Wives adults gave an interview, the bedroom schedule was one of the top questions.

Kody’s wives said the most asked question was about the schedule for sleeping arrangements. One episode that’s still talked about today is the one where the wives toured all the bedrooms together. They did this with the Sister Wives cameras in tow.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown - Kody Brown

That’s when the ladies that make up the Sister Wives spotted something left on a nightstand. It was in Robyn Brown’s bedroom, and they played off as if Kody unintentionally left it there. Looking back today, one has to wonder if that was planted.

Before scenes are filmed on reality shows, a team goes in and covers up all kinds of things. They hide photos of people who didn’t permit to be seen on the screen.

They also hide labels on products, like food and beverages. So, did Kody, Robyn, and that crew overlook the item. Or did they need this nightstand drama to pick up the pace for viewers?

Sister Wives: Uncomfortable Scene — It Seems?

When first talking about the bedroom schedule, the wives prided Kody on keeping it fair. They also said he kept this schedule in his head. In one episode Kody Brown and the wives traveled for a talk show appearance.

During that episode, they showed the Sister Wives patriarch changing hotel rooms. He threw his stuff in a bag and left one wife’s room just to unpack it in another wife’s room.

That was his designated night for one of the wives. So, even when away Kody kept it fair. Or so fans were led to believe in the video below.

Kody’s nighttime activities became a major curiosity for the show’s fans. The Sister Wives co-wives also discussed on the show how they don’t go into the other wives’ bedrooms.

That is their sacred place for their relationship with Kody. But for this one episode four very uncomfortable wives toured each other’s bedrooms for the Sister Wives cameras.

Again, this episode still stirs up comments among fans on social media today. So, if Kody Brown needed to amp up the drama to keep the show going, he succeeded. Season 17 is next to roll out. So Kody captured the audience for more than a decade of seasons and episodes

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