General Hospital

“GH Spoilers: Gregory Faces a Life-Altering Misdiagnosis, Opens Door to Unexpected Romance”

The General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest that Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison) could get a misdiagnosis. He might also get a second chance at love. Viewers think it’s time for Gregory to get a happy ending.

General Hospital: Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison)

GH Spoilers: Gregory Kisses Alexis

According to the General Hospital spoilers, Gregory jumped out of a plane and kissed Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn). Fans want to see their relationship unfold. The user 24Kasie76 asked on the Message Boards: “After jumping out of a plane, Gregory KISSED Alexis? Did you all enjoy the KISS or not?”

GH fans took to the thread to share their thoughts. So far, the comments are mixed. One user wrote: “I missed that scene (thank goodness). Gregory has so much more ‘spark’ with Tracy than with Alexis. Gregory would be a great guy to help her get over moping about Luke (ugh).” Another fan commented: “Nope. The last thing Alexis needs is another dead ex.”

Other fans were interested in this scene. They thought it was a well-acted and well-produced scene. Alexis conquered her fears of heights. It was a life-changing moment for both characters.

The General Hospital spoilers suggest that they got swept up in the moment. That’s when Gregory kissed Alexis. It was relatable to fans. They would love to see how their relationship plays out.

A third user noted: “The scene was so full of life for two characters who have been sad sacks for such a long time. I’m not sure how I feel about a romance though.”

General Hospital: Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison)

General Hospital Spoilers: Will Gregory Get A Misdiagnosis?

The General Hospital spoilers suggest that Gregory could end up with a misdiagnosis. It’s time for the character to have a happy ending. One user demanded a possible outcome to this storyline. The user maggiebh wrote: “Oh PLEASE soap gods, let Gregory be misdiagnosed!!! After that kiss between Alexis and Gregory today, is there anyone out there who does not want him misdiagnosed?”

GH fans took to the thread to share their thoughts. Once again, the reaction is mixed. However, they would love to see Alexis with a good man like Gregory. One user wrote: “I think that’s where it’s headed. May play out slowly but I don’t think he’s going to die! I’m no Alexis fan she’s way too neurotic and frenetic to me, but I really like Gregory!”

Another user noted: “Hoping they have misdiagnosed him, it’s time for Alexis to have one of the good guys, someone non-mob related, good looking, has an edge, smart, funny, I’m rooting for them!”

What are your thoughts on Gregory and Alexis’ kiss? Did you like it? Do you think Gregory will get a misdiagnosis? Sound off below in the comment section.


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