Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Robyn Brown Flew Red Flags but Co-wives Didn’t Notice?

Sister Wives star Robyn Brown is a woman with a plan, or so fans of the show believe today. From the get-go, the red flags flew. Now fans wonder if the other wives recognized these signs or not.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown Did She or Didn’t She?

Today fans talk about all the things Robyn Brown said when she first entered the family. It seems the Sister Wives fans who watched since day one tend to remember it quite well.

Robyn presented as a team player when she first came into the Sister Wives‘ family. Despite the friction over a new wife coming into the mix, she stuck it out.

She said she was all about becoming a sister wife – and she also planned that for her first marriage as well. Or, so she said. But that didn’t work out.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown

Her first marriage lasted through three kids and eight years between 1999 and 2007. That was plenty of time to bring another wife onboard.

She claims sharing a man with other wives is the life she always wanted. But she didn’t seem to do that very well.

Robyn Knows It Hurts – After the Fact

Veteran Sister Wives fans can’t forget the heartache Robyn caused among his other three wives. This was especially the case with one, Christine Brown.

Christine was pregnant with Truely Brown when Kody started courting Robyn. Then they married when she had a newborn baby at home.

Christine needed extra time with her Sister Wives husband. But he seemed too smitten with his new bride to notice the emotional pain she was in.

The family talked about this later during an interview. That’s when Robyn broke down and cried over the pain she caused without knowing it.

Sister Wives: Did She Have a Plan?

Today many viewers of the show think this was Robyn Brown’s plan all along. They think she came from one monogamous marriage and worked at making her marriage to Kody the same way.

But the other Sister Wives had to see this, fans suggest. She wiped Kody’s entire offspring out of a family picture at one point except for her kids.

She gave Kody Brown a “creepy” present, as fans called it. He is not the biological father of her three older kids. But he adopted them, so they are just like his own.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Portrait

But Robyn took a portrait of Kody Brown from years ago as a young dad. Instead of his kids that were originally in the photo, she had her three kids replace them.

Robyn handed Kody this as a gift with the other Sister Wives there. Some think the look on his face was more than just a surprise. At the time, fans thought that he too thought it might be strange.

But what about his other wives? That picture erased their children and replaced them with Robyn’s kids. Didn’t they turn to each other with raised eyebrows?

Robyn Wipes Out the Family?

So, that portrait event might be one small happening in the Sister Wives‘ lives. But it signified the direction Robyn went in. Looking ahead to today, that portrait was a big red flag. The fans still discuss how weird it was to do a fake portrait like that.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown

But as fans also suggest, she could have at least included all the kids. After all, they were the new siblings for her kids. Fans wonder how Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, and Christine Brown felt about the portrait.

After all, it was their kids who she removed to do this. This happened years ago. But fans today still debate Robyn’s reason for trying to change history. She didn’t even know Kody when her kids were that small.

Kody Brown is with Robyn and her kids as part of what looks like a monogamous marriage. So, was the writing on the wall all along?


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