Sister Wives

Sister Wives Shocking : Robyn Grabs Revenge with Stifling Move On Part 2?

Sister Wives star Robyn Brown did something for the first time on camera after more than a decade of filming the TLC series. While it looked as if she had an immediate reason for this antic, fans thought she also sent a message to the wives who got away.

Sister Wives: Why Reddit Thinks Robyn Brown Is A Major Hypocrite - IMDb

Sister Wives Robyn Brown Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands

Robyn Brown wasn’t invited to the wedding event of the year for the Sister Wives clan. But she shows up in the special dedicated to Christine Brown and David Woolley‘s nuptials.

Robyn, along with the other wives and Kody Brown, all have their say on the screen. They talk about Christine’s new chapter in life. Meri Brown approached this with kindness. She even offered an understandable excuse for not getting an invitation to the wedding.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown - Robyn Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

Then there’s Janelle Brown, the only spouse from the Sister Wives now-defunct family who attended the festivities. Meri, Robyn, and Kody commented on the screen. But their thoughts were captured in clips. Then these clips were shown periodically throughout the event.

But as Robyn sat next to Kody as he offered his thoughts, fans saw her cover his mouth. It sounded as if something negative about Christine was about to pop out. Still, in the second half of the wedding special, Robyn Brown goes even further by taking things into her own hands.

Robyn Didn’t Have a Sock Handy?

Robyn Brown seems to see a need for Kody Brown to put a sock in it, this week on Sister Wives. She appeared to recognize the signs that her husband was about to go off on a spiel. But instead of that old saying, that suggests you put a sock in it, she plugged him up with something else.

Fans watched her cover his mouth with her hand on the first part of the Sister Wives special. But as the second half rolls out, she’s not using her hand to stop his unfiltered thoughts.

This time, Robyn leans over and kisses Kody. This kiss is unlike the fleeting pecks on the cheek that the Sister Wives spouses shared on camera once in a blue moon. No, this was a collision between her lips and Kody’s mouth. Plus, to the viewers, it looked like something more than just an attempt to shut him up.

Some suggest that the smashup between their lips carried a message for the ladies, who are now free of Kody Brown.

Sister Wives: No Longer Taboo for Last Wife Standing

Kody Brown said it numerous times on the screen. He doesn’t show romance with one wife in fairness to the others. This supposedly explained his lack of passion on the screen between the Sister Wives patriarch and his ladies.

But with only one wife left, that rule doesn’t apply anymore. So it sure looks like Robyn demonstrates this during the next episode. Sure, it looks like this kiss was to shut him up. But then Robyn started to swipe her hand at the Sister Wives camera.


The motion seemed to suggest that Robyn Brown was swatting them away. But as Christine Brown got married, Robyn puckered up and latched on to Kody Brown. Some fans see this as a bit of a revenge move towards the other three women who once shared this husband.

Christine was in overload on the screen, when it came to happiness and joy. So, some viewers saw this as a snub to the other wives, who could never have a romantic lip lock on camera with Kody. Either way, it looks like Robyn covered two bases with that kiss. She stopped Kody from putting his foot in his mouth, and she got a tad bit of revenge, with that one move captured on screen for the TLC series.


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