General Hospital

News Shocking : The Metro Court Shooting Takes Another Turn — and No Way Is Esme in Toronto on General Hospital

Esme in paris? Brennan returns? GH

This week General Hospital gave us a slight break from Nina, but also reintroduced crazy Esme. There once again a lot of fluff interjected in, but Friday’s episode with its twists and turns brought the drama! Let’s discuss! 

The Bad Seed Emerges

I did not have “Heather blabs all to Laura that Esme has her memory back and is out for revenge” on my list of things that might happen. What a pleasant, yet shocking, surprise! But poor Kevin, Esme must have hit him harder than she thought given he still hasn’t regained consciousness. If they couldn’t charge her with anything before now, they sure can at least with assault. But she’s conveniently fled to Canada where her former nanny Maggie has taken a job with a new family. Wait, what happened to the pub Maggie was running? And how convenient Esme left such a major lead behind for the PCPD… NOT!

Esme clobbers Kevin GH

With Spencer and Trina arriving in Paris, and Spencer being off the canvas for several months so his portrayer can film the new season of Monster, could Esme be headed to Paris to take Spencer hostage and pull him away from Trina? I’m not sure how she’d overpower him, though drugging him would work. I just can’t get Portia’s words out of my head that wherever Spencer goes, trouble follows…

I will say, Esme reverted to true form in record time, and I’m a bit unhappy with this development. I was hoping to see her struggle with who she was, and who she became. Now it’s like Esme 2.0 has all but vanished…

Work the Runway Sweetie!

Okay, I thought Drew and Carly’s original plan to fire Nina from Crimson for the spits and giggles, then replace Carly with someone qualified to run the magazine, was at least a good one from a business perspective. But then Drew decided he and Carly should just run the magazine together because together they can do anything, as long as they are a team! As I said in last week’s column, I really want to see Carly struggle in this and honestly fail. That anyone can do anyone else’s job is such a soap trope and this just feels like yet another win for Carly.

Valentin makes an offer GH

Valentin pointed out the same thing to Nina, that Drew and Carly don’t know what they are doing, and he’d be happy to invest in her opening a rival magazine. However, Nina turned him down! Say what? Yes, it seems Nina has finally learned something, that she has to stop these bad impulses of hers if she wants to save a relationship with Willow. Also, Nina and Valentin still have that on-screen connection, and I wouldn’t mind seeing them reunite since we can’t have ‘Vanna.’

Another thought did cross my mind… Michael and Drew are always calling Valentin an absentee CEO, and Valentin has been putting most of his focus on Charlotte’s well-being. How does Interim CEO of ELQ Nina Reeves sound? If Carly can run a magazine, then Nina can run ELQ… Actually, given the show’s history, anyone can run ELQ…

Salvaging the Shooting Storyline

So Jordan’s investigation into Curtis’ shooter got her picked up by the FBI of all people. Interesting… and whoever was behind the door barking orders at the agents is the new Big Bad perhaps? Or Big Good… The storyline has potential, and Jordan could use a good storyline after all this time. A lot of viewers loved the chemistry between Brick and Jordan in their scenes together. Honestly, I wasn’t feeling it. Brick seemed like that old SNL character The Ladies’ Man to me.

Jordan and Chase chat GH

Friday’s episode started to pull the messy and still dangling threads of the Metro Court shooting, Austin’s murder, and Pikeman all together when Jordan realized the person who was calling her about the lead on the gun was none other than crooked WSB head John Brennan! Not only that, the gun sent to Ava by Austin’s possible killer is also from the same stolen WSB stash as the gun that was used to shoot at Anna and Sonny. Honestly, I would have rather the whole Pikeman nonsense be left in the past, but if this means the return of John Brennan then I’m here for it! Also, it took Laura long enough to offer Anna back the job of PCPD commissioner… I mean we all knew it was coming.


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