General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Tracy And Martin Romance Plot Fools Lucy And Scott!

General Hospital Spoilers: Tracy and Martin Romance Plot Fools Lucy and Scott!

General Hospital spoilers tease that Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) has roped Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner) into her plot against Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot).

Lucy is furious that she was forced to sign over a controlling interest in Deception in order to keep the company running after a lawsuit almost bankrupted the company.

Tracy was behind the lawsuit and took great pleasure in taking Lucy down. But Lucy isn’t one to just lay down and take it.  Her plan involved roping Tracy into a fake romance with Scott.  Once the duo were married, the plan was for Tracy to buy Scott off to get a divorce with the Deception stock.

General Hospital Spoilers – Martin Grey is suspicious!

Lucy is currently involved with Martin Grey (Michael E Knight).  But Martin is wary of the time Lucy has been spending with Scott, and he may have reason.

Scott and Lucy still seem to have quite an attraction to each other.  And unbeknownst to Lucy and Scott, Tracy is already on the their scheme.

She’s been toying with Scott, but there doesn’t seem to be any real attraction there.  It would be just like Tracy to launch her own plan in retaliation.

GH Spoilers – What about Gregory Chase?

Tracy is still getting over the death of Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary), so she may not think she’s ready to start any type of new romance.

She does have a flirtatious relationship with Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison) but he is suffering for a terminal illness so its unlikely there will be any type of romance between them.

That leaves Martin.  Knowing that Martin is furious with Lucy about Scott, Tracy might suggest that they pretend to date!

General Hospital Spoilers: Tracy and Martin Romance Plot Fools Lucy and Scott!

General Hospital Spoilers – Could Martin Grey and Tracy Quartermaine find love?

Martin and Tracy are both very witty people who seem to be quite alike.  Even if they just pretend to be interested in each other in the beginning, real feelings could begin to come through.

But will they succeed in making Lucy and Scott jealous or drive them further into each other’s arms.  Its seems like there may be some new and some rekindled romance coming up in Port Charles?

What do you think?

Does Lucy really love Martin?  Or does her heart belong to Scott?  Could Tracy and Martin become the next big romance in Port Charles?

Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC.


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