Sister Wives

Sister Wives reveals : “The recent allegations have made Meri very tired. Does she need help and who is there to assist her at this time?”

Sister Wives star Meri Brown introduced her new love interest to the fans last week, but it also opened the floodgates for some dark waters to swirl around this new guy.

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With all that this TLC celebrity has been through, it’s sad for fans to see these new allegations. So, it looks like she could use some help putting things into perspective for her fans. And there’s one person who could help her do that, Jenn Sullivan.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown Opened Floodgates?

If you are a fan of Meri Brown, then you’ve likely seen the allegations about her new boyfriend in the headlines. This happened immediately following her introducing Amos Andrews to fans. It didn’t take long for Sister Wives critics to dig into his past.

But if there’s any truth to some of the allegations… it is all in his past. If anyone knows about new beginnings, that’s Meri. So, maybe that is what her new boyfriend is after, a new beginning and nothing more?

Sister Wives: Meri Brown - Amos
Sister Wives | Instagram

Amos appeared with Meri on social media. Then again on her Fridays with Friends, which is a live online show. It was easy to see the Sister Wives celeb was happy with her new man, and Amos came off as a good sport.

But then the headlines blared about Meri’s new boyfriend and his alleged lack of paying child support. Then another report had an ex-wife making even more allegations against him.

Meri Skips Friday with Friends?

It is only fair to say that it’s not unusual for Meri Brown to skip airing her show, Fridays with Friends. Every once in a while she or Jenn Sullivan, her co-host, have things come up.

But last week, she had Amos on her show. Then, when she didn’t do her show this Friday night, some fans thought it might have to do with all the stuff going on about Amos. But to be fair again, her co-host, Jenn Sullivan, celebrated her 18th wedding anniversary this weekend.

So, it’s possible Jenn had plans that caused them to skip the show. Meri Brown hasn’t addressed any of the disparaging allegations about Amos as yet. Since she posted her online show last Friday, she hasn’t mentioned anything about her new boyfriend.

Last week, she lightly addressed his multiple marriages and bankruptcy. She did this by comparing her polygamous marriage and bankruptcy to his.

If her Friday show aired this week, fans would likely inundate her with questions about her boyfriend. Especially when it comes to the allegations made about him.

Whatever Amos has in his past, he seems to make this Sister Wives celeb very happy today. Maybe Meri didn’t know some of the stuff that surfaced, such as alleging that he refused to pay child support.

Still, some fans worry that Meri fell for the wrong kind of guy after what they’ve read about him. But one thing Meri Brown has is Jenn Sullivan on her side. While no one is saying anything today, Jenn just might speak out in Amos’ defense somewhere down the line.

Sister Wives: Jenn Sullivan Warned Him

Before Amos Andrews could say a thing last week on Fridays with Friends, Jenn read him a serious disclaimer. She warned him that the things he says will likely get twisted in the media.

She continued by telling him he leaves himself wide open to rumors. So, she made it clear to him that his privacy would likely be invaded to the max. And that’s because of the Sister Wives fame that goes along with her BFF. But he stayed and contributed to a Q&A event.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown -Jenn Sullivan

Well, she was correct, as the Sister Wives critics got busy. They seemed to pull info from anywhere they could find it. This included some alleged info from one of his four ex-wives. She remained anonymous to protect her privacy.

But at the same time, if she did say these things, then it sounds like she blew Amos’ privacy to smithereens. She made it sound as if Amos was after the popular celeb from Sister Wives because she is a reality star. She also said he was looking for a “payday,” according to that report.

Will Jenn Come to Meri’s Rescue?

Meri Brown may not even care what people are saying. She may know all there is to know about Amos and sees this as a lot of hyped-up stuff. But fans are waiting to see where she goes next with Amos.

Then there’s Jenn. Sister Wives fans see her as a genuine person and a good friend to Meri. While some fans worry about Meri’s new boyfriend having a hidden agenda, they know that Jenn would likely not sit by and watch. Fans hope she would intervene on her best friend’s behalf. As you can see by the post below, fans really like Jenn Sullivan.


After all the less-than-stellar headlines about Amos this week, Meri Brown might need a little help in redirecting her worried fans. So, that’s where her best friend could come in. Jenn Sullivan seemed to like Amos when he sat with her BFF on Fridays with Friends. So, Jenn’s seal of approval goes a long way for the fans of this Sister Wives star because she cares so much for her.

There will always be naysayers. But if Jenn said a few words claiming that these are nothing but rumors or the truth was stretched, that could go far. So, it looks like Sister Wives fans wait to see what Meri Brown, or even Jenn Sullivan, has to say about all this. It would certainly work at calming down fans of this TLC reality series.


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