General Hospital

GH Spoilers: Kristina’s Pregnancy Faces Hurdles Up Ahead

General Hospital (GH) spoilers report Kristina Corinthos Davis (Kate Mansi) is pregnant with TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) and Molly Lansing Davis’ (Kristen Vaganos) baby.

While their parents might all have some reservations about the decision for Kristina to be their egg donor and surrogate, Molly and TJ are over the moon — and so is Krissy. She is thrilled to be special enough to have this experience with her sister and brother-in-law.

She’s honored that they chose her, and even feels somewhat vindicated, like this good deed may undo some of the stains on her family reputation. But rumor has it there are some serious problems lurking in this threesome’s future that might create new scars on their relationships with each other.

General Hospital Spoilers — Molly Lansing Davis Micromanages

Molly has already shown her true colors in this department. They didn’t even know Kristina was pregnant yet and Molly was showing up unannounced at her apartment with pregnancy tests and organic food.

She’s ready to replace everything in her sister’s fridge if it means making sure her baby is well-nourished. Kristina can’t really complain about that; it comes with the job.

As Kristina tries to continue living her life — particularly with Blaze (Jacqueline Lopez) — it will be harder for her to tolerate Molly’s growing list of rules.

GH Spoilers – Claim Jealousy Rears Its Ugly Head

Molly never imagined how it would make her feel to know that someone else would be feeling the first baby kicks — and that she will never know what that felt like coming from inside of herself. Those kinds of milestones are hard enough to miss.

Watching TJ fawn over Kristina and grow so interested in the prenatal and birth process is going to twist the knife a bit for Molly — who will never have that experience with him. It was one thing when their surrogate was a stranger whom they’d likely never see again.

Watching TJ form this bond with her sister — and knowing they’ll always share it with their biological child — will be painful.

General Hospital Spoilers — The Birth Of A Mother

The reality of their decision and all its weight will set in by the time Kristina is nearing giving birth.

As new decisions need to be made about the manner in which the birth happens — and everything afterward — Kristina will become acutely aware of how much she has already bonded with this baby.

After all, it is her baby, biologically. Being bound to give him or her up isn’t something she could have been prepared for nine months prior.

The bond formed during pregnancy will be difficult for her to overlook, and Kristina may start to wonder whether she’s capable of seeing Molly walk out of the hospital with her child in tow.


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