Sister Wives

Update News: Meri Brown Reveals New Boyfriend Scared Away

How Meri Brown Copes With Things That 'Don't Go As Planned'

Sister Wives star Meri Brown returned to the online screen for the first time in two weeks since she introduced her new boyfriend during her Fridays with Friends. While best known for her TLC series, her live Friday venue is a popular destination for fans, especially in between seasons.

Two weeks back, Meri introduced us to Amos Andrews. But then she became quiet online for a few weeks, with only a generic post about decorating. Friday night, she returned with Jenn Sullivan, her best friend and co-host. But Amos was not with her, and of course, the fans wanted to know why.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown Dares Writers

Meri Brown returned to her online show, and she looked tired after doing a lot of traveling. The original Sister Wives matriarch was headed home after being stuck in her travels overnight due to a heavy winter storm that closed down highways.

So, on her way home, she pulled her car over and got a lemonade. Then she linked in with Jenn, who was at another location. Next, she did her show right there in a parking lot, far from home.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

One of the first things she offers at the start of her Fridays with Friends is a disclaimer. She warns that they talk about nothing of substance, and anyone who has ever tuned in knows this to be true. She also adds that if you tune in expecting to hear spoilers about the Sister Wives show, well that’s not happening.

This week, Meri and Jenn got silly about some stuff, including pregnancy. Then Meri Brown seemed to dare any writers out there watching. She suggested a headline or two will have Meri pregnant, which of course is not true. Well, so far that didn’t seem to happen.

Meri Vets Amos Questions

As you might imagine, fans wanted to know where Amos Andrews was when he didn’t show up this time. Meri Brown did her usual thing. She read the Sister Wives fans’ questions and answered them. But she only answered one about Amos Andrews. Then moved past that topic.

But what these two said about Amos raised a few eyebrows. Meri and Jenn giggled and said that they scared Amos away. She didn’t say how, but fans assume it’s because critics had a field day with him since he first came out as Meri’s new love interest.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown - Amos Andrews
Sister Wives | Instagram

His appearance on her show seemed to open a can of worms. Sister Wives fans started to dig into his background, and they came up with some gnarly accusations. But Meri never mentioned this. All her Sister Wives fans were privy to was that he was scared away.

Some Sister Wives fans think Meri Brown didn’t know about some of the things that surfaced about her boyfriend. And they think this is why he wasn’t with her Friday. But you need to look to Jenn for the hints of what’s going on.

Sister Wives: Did Meri Dump Amos?

Some of the Sister Wives fans wondered if Meri Brown found out some things about Amos that she didn’t know. As soon as he appeared next to her, the critics started flinging accusations his way. They also wonder if she broke it off with him because of this.

But Meri prepared her new guy for this, as Jenn read him a disclaimer before answering any of the Sister Wives fans’ questions. She told him that he would become the topic of rumors and anything he said on the show would get twisted. So, he was warned.


At one point, Jenn and Meri started a play on a four-letter word. They never said what that word was, but suggested it could be love. They also alluded to that other four-letter word that is not so nice. Then they put people into those two categories, and Jenn included Amos in the good category of the word.

So, that was enough for the Sister Wives fans who see Jenn Sullivan as one of the most genuine people on reality TV today. After Amos flooded the Sister Wives headlines, you could understand why he was scared away.

Or maybe it’s because Meri Brown and Jenn Sullivan tend to get giddy when together, and perhaps that scared him away as well. Only time will tell if Amos is a keeper. If so, he will likely make his way onto the Sister Wives screen when the new Season 19 rolls out.


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