General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Joss and Dex Get MARRIED!

Joss’ worst fears have come true on GH. The recent General Hospital spoilers confirm that Dex may have survived Sonny’s wrath but he’s a goner from Port Charles. Joss always knew being embroiled in the mob will do no good to her boo. And looks like she was right. But does that mean their relationship has tanked? Or will it take a new turn?

General Hospital Spoilers: Joss and Dex Solidify Their Relationship In Marriage

Joss has made up her mind that she won’t give up on Dex and their love. Thus, she has resorted to a very risky mission. Joss is well aware of Sonny’s security guards’ phone numbers and means to use them. Here’s where Spinelli comes into play!

General Hospital Spoilers - Spinelli
GH/ Can Spinelli track down Dex?

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Joss is hopeful that Spinelli will manage to track the guards through the phone numbers. Thus, in turn also securing Dex’s location. Considering how stubborn and strong headed Joss is, we can expect her to go meet Dex as soon as she has the location.

But will Dex really be on-board with continuing the relationship with Joss? Especially, after the harrowing recent experience with Sonny? One would think not. But what if something flips in him? He has sacrificed a lot in the past, and look where that has brought him! He may think that it is time to finally live for himself.

General Hospital Spoilers
GH/ Can Joss and Dex have their happily ever after?

General Hospital spoilers hint that Dex and Joss may make an unthinkable move. What if that move is to get married? Think about it, if they return to PC as husband and wife, will Sonny really take Dex out and make her a widow? We have a hard time swallowing that idea.

This move may also help Dex find a place in Port Charles again! Because condemning him away from home will now also mean Joss leaving with him. Can Sonny really do that to Carly, Donna and Avery? We think not!

General Hospital Spoilers - Sonny
GH/ Will Sonny forgive Dex?

Moreover, General Hospital spoilers confirm that Dex will be sharing scenes with Jason Morgan upon his return. But for that, Dex will have to be in PC! So, if you ask us, this marriage plan may work! What do you say?


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