Sister Wives

Sister Wives reveals: Why Janelle Brown Finds It Terrifying Being Around Meri – It Will Shock You

Meri & Janelle Brown Reveal The Truth Behind Their Relationship

Sister Wives star Janelle Brown and her co-wife Meri Brown don’t seem to share too many one-on-one scenes during the TLC series. Apparently, the roots of this problem stem way back to the earlier days of this Sister Wives family.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown’s Last Therapy Session

The Sister Wives spouses participate in many therapy sessions throughout the decade of the show. Not only with Kody Brown but co-wives also take part in therapy as a duo at times.

It’s pretty much the same as couple’s therapy when two of the Sister Wives ladies sit down for a session. They work on problems between the two, which in theory helps them live their day to day lives with more harmony.

It always seems to be the same therapist they see, Nancy Hunterton. The last time fans saw Nancy on the screen, Kody Brown ranted about Meri Brown’s shortcomings. He also claimed she tricked him into marriage, along with even uncharitable things.

But that wasn’t the first time Meri heard rather disparaging words from one of the adults from Sister Wives. No, several years before this, she heard Janelle Brown’s thoughts loud and clear as well.

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Janelle Brown Joined Meri Brown In Therapy

Veteran Sister Wives enthusiasts remember the tension between the first and second wife of Kody Brown. Even before the TLC show was ever thought of, Janelle moved out of the house due to Meri.

Janelle Brown told the story of how horrendous it was to live with Meri Brown during their early days. She wrote about this rough time several years ago.

The therapist seemed to offer an uncomfortable solution to Janelle Brown at the time. Meri too seemed to quiver at the thought of it. The counselor suggested that the two of them, Janelle and Meri Brown, go camping.

While there and alone, it was a place to work on their problems. Nope, that wasn’t about to happen. It was a hard no from both Nancy’s Sister Wives clients.

Sister Wives: Not Happening

Just from that scene alone, after turning down camping as an option, it’s easy to see there’s still a problem between the two. This happened a few years back. But you don’t normally see these two wives with much interaction on screen in recent seasons.

So, when the newer viewers of Sister Wives see Meri feeling left out, there may be a reason for this. Many of the fans shared their sympathy for Meri a  few seasons ago when Maddie Brown Brush gave birth to her first child, Axel Brush. She missed this event but no one made the effort to invite her in.

Christine Brown didn’t make matters better when she basically told Meri she was happy she wasn’t there. That’s because she brings too much baggage into a room, her Sister Wives co-wife said.

Many fans believed this lack of respect for Meri stemmed from that catfishing saga. But that doesn’t appear that’s the only reason. Apparently, it goes way deeper than that.

Sister Wives' Janelle & Meri Brown Clash Over Boundaries

The Level-Headed Wife

Many Sister Wives viewers know Janelle as the level-headed wife. So when she sat in therapy with Meri and felt terrified at the thought of spending time alone with her, that suggests it got bad for Janelle at one time.

When they showed up for this therapy session, both left their homes in separate cars. Even though they lived a few hundred feet apart, they preferred not to spend time in a car ride with each other. These scenes took place when they lived in Vegas, so fans know how close their homes were.

From what both Meri Brown and co-wife Janelle Brown say, it looks like they couldn’t discuss the past. The video above is a clip of that therapy session. At best, all these two could hope for is to find a way to move into the future as part of the same family.


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