Sister Wives

TLC Family Remembers Robert Garrison Brown Amid Truely Snub

Robert and Truely Brown/Sister Wives/Instagram

Many members of the Sister Wives family came together to honor Robert Garrison Brown. It was his 25th birthday so this was a moment to be celebrated. However, did the TLC family pay too much attention to Robert despite seemingly snubbing Truely Brown’s recent birthday? Read on for more details.

TLC Family Remembers Robert Garrison Brown Amid Truely Snub

Robert Brown is one lucky fellow. The son of Janelle and Kody Brown was honored on his birthday by so many members of his family and the popular TLC reality series. However, it was a double-edged sword as his little sister, Truely Brown turned thirteen on April 13th. This should have been a momentous occasion, one which her whole family celebrated. However, she was seemingly snubbed as her mother, Christine announced her engagement to David Woolley that same day. Therefore, all of the focus went on Christine’s happiness and wedding planning. Fortunately, Truely had her sisters who took the time to recognize her and her big day.


Ysabel, Truely Brown/Sister Wives/Instagram
[Ysabel, Truely-Credit: Instagram]

Gwendlyn and Ysabel took the time to post some love for their younger sister. Of course, fans were not happy that their mother chose to use Truely’s birthday as her own celebratory day. Yet, to add insult to injury Christine took the time to publicly acknowledge Robert Brown’s birthday post. Per his mother, Janelle’s Instagram, she shared photos of her son and then her and her youngest, Savanah crashing his party. In the comments, Christine said this: “Absolutely way fun!!!”


Joining in on Robert Brown’s birthday fun, aside from Janelle and Savanah, were his brothers Hunter, Gabriel, and Logan. Additionally, Christine’s son, Paedon was there to celebrate his brother. Yet, it was offputting that Christine made Truely’s day about her and David but could make time for Robert. Couldn’t they have done the same for Truely? Made mention of her in her engagement post or done a separate post? This was not just a regular birthday for Christine’s youngest but for her becoming a teenager. That is a huge milestone and one to be recognized.

This Has Happened Before

It is not the first time in this family that a birthday went unrecognized. During Season 17 of Sister Wives, Kody Brown forgot Gabe Brown’s birthday. Yes, he called his son but only to talk about Covid. It was not until some time had gone by that Kody finally realized it was his son’s birthday. That broke Gabe’s heart. As for Robert Brown, he obviously deserves to be celebrated but so does Truely. It is unknown if there was a celebration behind the scenes that no one has talked about. Hopefully, she gets showered with the love that she deserves.

Do you think that it was right that Robert Brown was celebrated while Truely was snubbed? Should Christine have announced her engagement on Truely’s thirteenth birthday? Let us know your thoughts on all of this in the comments below.


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