Sister Wives

Update News: Janelle’s Healing Process Forms a Pattern?

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown Won't Be Needing A Suitcase This Summer.

Sister Wives star Janelle Brown navigates her changed world after last month’s tragedy, which left a pattern forming for the famous mom from the TLC series. The healing process is a personal thing, and it takes on many forms. But for this mom, a pattern seems to be forming after the loss of her son, Garrison Brown.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown Wakes Up in New World

Janelle Brown was jolted into a new world the day Garrison Brown was found dead. But how does a parent get out of bed in the morning and go about the day with such a hole left in their heart?

That is a question Janelle Brown faced, and she’s doing her best to figure it out today. While Janelle mentioned her faith as something she leans on, there’s more to it for this Sister Wives mom today.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown
Sister Wives | CBS

The grieving mom found the strength to get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other. With that black cloud of despair hanging over her, Janelle found a way to start her healing process. Now it looks like a pattern forms, demonstrating where this Sister Wives mom gathers her strength today.

Janelle is a Much-Loved Mom

Janelle Brown is a mom who sees a lot of love from her kids, both off and on the screen. She’s also one of the favorite moms for the Sister Wives audience. It’s easy to see why she’s so loved after fans watched the episodes of the last few seasons.

When Kody Brown gave her the ultimatum of him or the kids during his COVID rules, Janelle Brown chose her kids. Then, when he suggested her boys should be out of the house once they turned 18, she didn’t listen.

Instead, she wanted to give her kids a leg-up on the world today. Her thought was for them to live at home, work, and save money to buy a house of their own.

So, she went against the Sister Wives patriarch and opened her home to her boys for as long as they wanted. Her thoughts about this little extra help blossomed into success. Several months later, a proud Garrison Brown announced he bought a home.

Sister Wives: A Pattern Falls Into Place…

That love Janelle Brown has for her kids seems to be the key to moving forward for this Sister Wives mom. Since Garrison’s death, this mom made a loop around the country to be with each of her kids.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown Family
Sister Wives | Instagram

One of the latest gatherings, for this Sister Wives’ mom, included Gabriel Brown. From this event, Janelle posted one of the first photos of Gabe since finding his brother dead. Gabriel had gone to check on Garrison at his mom’s request. And he was the first to walk into his brother’s bedroom, finding him dead from suicide.

Janelle Is Not Missing a Chance…

Today, Janelle isn’t missing a chance to spend time with her kids. In the first days following her son’s death, she spent time in North Carolina with her daughter, Maddie Brown Brush, her husband, and their three kids.

The Sister Wives celebrity called it beach therapy with her grandchildren. Then she tooted off with her son, Logan Brown, and his wife, to Arkansas.

That’s where they put themselves in the totality area for the solar eclipse. Her youngest, Savanah Brown, is the last child left at home. But she’s right by her mom’s side through these travels.

Sister Wives: Gabriel Brown and Friends
Sister Wives | Instagram

But her latest family event comes with Gabriel Brown and his friends. Gabe’s friends got together to throw a Thanksgiving celebration in April. One of his buddies is an international student who never experienced Thanksgiving.

Since this young man heads back home before November, this group decided to give him the experience of this American holiday.

So they held a “Friends-Giving” dinner and invited Janelle and Savanah. Janelle gushed over the food, getting a taste of some Australian dishes.

But she got to enjoy a delicious feast without cooking or washing dishes. That scored points for the woman who usually finds herself in the kitchen.

So, since the loss of her son, a pattern seems to form for Janelle Brown. She’s making the rounds, and spending quality time with her kids. Fans agree that’s likely the best healing process for this mom from the popular TLC series.


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