General Hospital

‘General Hospital’ Spoilers: Carly Confides Scary Baby News to Jason?

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) - Jason Morgan (Steve Burton)

General Hospital spoilers hint Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) confides in Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) soon and it’s likely about her surprise high-risk pregnancy. As Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) isn’t exactly thrilled with the baby news. So, perhaps Carly hopes Jason will be happy for her. Could there be trouble ahead for Carly and Sonny over this pregnancy?

General Hospital Spoilers: Jason Morgan Gets Big Carly Corinthos News

According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Carly Corinthos confesses her news and concerns to Jason Morgan. More than likely, she confides in her longtime BFF Jason about her pregnancy. The news is still quite fresh, but Carly wants to tell Jason Morgan everything. Hopefully, he’ll immediately be a bit more excited than Sonny originally was.

Of course, this might be the cheer that Jason Morgan needs at the moment on General Hospital. As Jason tries to figure out what Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) is up to, Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) grows closer to the guy. While Sam is working her own angle to learn his motives, Jason doesn’t like it. He’s nervous for her.

Carly Corinthos has been thrilled since she found out that she was pregnant. While Carly knows that her pregnancy may be high risk, she can’t wait to meet her new little child. Will Jason Morgan be happy for Carly? Or will Jason also voice concerns, much like Sonny did?


GH Spoilers: Sonny Not Thrilled About Pregnancy

Slowly, Sonny has come around to Carly Corinthos and her pregnancy on General Hospital. At first, he was wary and wanted hospital results before they jumped to conclusions. Then, Sonny confessed that it would be difficult for him, and he felt like they would always think of their child, Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig).

However, it looks like Sonny may be coming around. That doesn’t mean that he’s not cautious, especially because Carly Corinthos is set to have a high-risk pregnancy. He remembers how Carly struggled the last time she had a difficult pregnancy and just wants her safe.

During their hospital visit, Dr Kim Nero (Tamara Braun) expressed concern. Carly Corinthos needs to take care of herself and pay attention to her body in order to have a healthy pregnancy. As Sonny has already shares his worry, there’s no doubt that he’ll be right there taking care of Carly throughout this whole pregnancy and making sure she stays healthy.


General Hospital: Trouble Ahead for Couple As Jasper Jacks Returns?

Recent GH spoilers warned trouble could be just around the corner as Carly’s ex, Jasper Jacks (Ingo Rademacher), returns to town. Plus, there are the spoilers that hint that her pregnancy is actually a medical tragedy, such as ovarian cancer. However, the doctor has yet to catch this. Could Carly Corinthos tragically learn this fate soon?

Jasper Jacks may also head to town amid Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and Oscar Nero’s (Garren Stitt) troubles on General Hospital. Oscar’s brain tumor hasn’t gone away, though it has stopped spreading. As his death could be just around the corner, will Josslyn have her father to lean on during this time?

Regardless of why Jacks returns, he may bring some much-needed support to Carly during her pregnancy. She has had a lot on her plate in the last few months. So her talk with Jason Morgan is important. Despite his concern for Sam and the cult, Jason Morgan always makes time for his BFF.


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