Sister Wives

Sister Wives reveals: Janelle Mowed over by Robyn’s Inheritance Plans

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown - Robyn Brown

Sister Wives star Janelle Brown listened to Robyn Brown‘s spiel but it concerned her a bit after hearing what she had to say. Janelle said Robyn made plans despite the family never operating like this before. It looks like Robyn has it all sewn up tightly for her little family. But to Janelle, it appears the youngest Sister Wives spouse lost sight of the big family with this plan of hers.

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After watching Robyn tell her Sister Wives and Kody Brown her version on future land ownership, Janelle Brown was taken aback. Her co-wife is talking about each wife’s individual piece of the land. She has a plan when the time comes for the kids’ inheritance.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown - Robyn Brown

Robyn Brown’s thoughts threw Janelle Brown for a loop. Janelle said this is not the way they run their family.

This goes against what Kody Brown originally arranged for the four, and then five spouses. They’ve lived sharing everything, especially the finances. This Sister Wives family set out this way from the beginning. The model they created then lived by all these years apparently has changed. Robyn Brown’s new plan leaves Janelle Brown wondering why.

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As far as Janelle is concerned this is talk that centers on what happens when the parents of the Sister Wives die. While it may be considered a morbid conversation to begin with, it’s one that probably needs to happen.

Janelle always thought that all 18 kids would inherit a fair share of what all the moms and their one dad own. She thought they’d put it all together, despite whose name is on the land deed.


Since the inception of this Sister Wives polygamous marriage, they’ve shared everything. From food shopping to finances, it was all for one and one for all. But Robyn just separated decades of the inner workings of the family with her vision of family inheritance.

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Robyn blurts this out in a matter-of-fact-like way to her three Sister Wives and shared husband. It was like she was listing off a shopping list, as she did it with such ease.

Then Robyn said how messy inheritance can get within plural marriage. So instead of treating the kids like they always did, now they are separated into four families.

This gave the fans plenty of fuel for their bonfire. Some viewers of Sister Wives now point to Robyn Brown as having this in mind when she wanted the bigger lot.


As Soap Dirt covered over the seasons, Janelle worked for years and put her money into the family’s finances. She didn’t just help support herself and her kids. No, her money went for everyone’s support.

Christine Brown cared for the kids as Janelle made a handsome salary. It’s always been about sharing all they own. The same holds for Meri Brown, she either worked or helped with the kids.

Now after decades of Janelle Brown supplying the family’s Sister Wives cookie jar with the money to help run the family, suddenly everything changes? Just when the fruits of the labor become realized with the houses starting to go up, Robyn decides it’s time for a change? She now wants the four sets of wives and kids to act as separate families for future inheritance plans.

Well, the Sister Wives viewers see this as a slap in the face to the second wife and it sounds like she does too. Janelle Brown said it felt like the family is dividing after hearing Robyn Brown’s plans on this TLC series.


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